How to react when you panic......

October 28, 2010

* BODY LANGUAGE AND PANIC: What do you do when danger calls?

Don't shoot the bear

Do you push the PANIC button?

Pull back.....POUNCE......or simply pull the trigger?

Getting ahead and STAYING there is all about the fight......or FLIGHT response.

Confront and CONQUER.......or curl up and cower?

Hey........I'm a runner......but mostly because I have small hands, and bruise easily..;-)

Which one are you?

All of this sound sound crazy? Have absolutely NO idea what I'm talking about?

If it better watch the video below.

The question we REALLY want to know is.........Did you shoot the bear?

Let us know in the comments below.

I could be wrong.......but I've got you pegged as a lover.....and not a fighter. Watch the video and prove me right!

* BODY LANGUAGE AND PANIC: What do you do when danger calls?



* SHORT VIDEO: Body Language, Confidence, and Credit:

Hi - I'm always telling you how important it is to HAVE CONFIDENCE when using BODY LANGUAGE, otherwise it just doesn't work...

But there's something VERY related to confidence which can affect your mastery of body language, though it might seem unrelated at first...

Let me illustrate with a personal confession...

When this economic, uhh...."downturn" started, it hit me HARD.

I had a house I couldn't sell.

I had a business that not only WASN'T fun wasn't making too much money, either.

As time turned tougher.....I started to turn to my credit cards to get by. And while I'm NOT a world famous financial guru or anything, you don't need to be a genius to know how that story


The truth is, at some point, I felt STUCK like chuck......and up a river without a paddle, and the pitter patter of PANIC began to set in.

* SHORT VIDEO: Body Language, Confidence, and Credit:

But rather than GIVE up and go under.....I committed myself to learning, absorbing and re-framing my finances......and FAST.

I looked for.....and found teachers....educators and mentors in books, on webpages and even TV.

The most meaningful....and memorable of the lessons I learned were actually shared by Robert Kiyosaki, the famous financial "guru" who wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

* SHORT VIDEO: Body Language, Confidence, and Credit:

And while I'm NOT a big believer in following the advice of celebrities experts, he shared 2 critical things with me that changed my view on both my financial future....and my LIFE overall.

If you're struggling with financial pressure, {name} I URGE you to check out todays short free video clip, because BOTH of these lessons are highlighted by Robert, on a recent visit to ABC news.

It's amazing how much a little well timed inspiration can do for your life.....and when I needed a nudge, this was waiting for me. If you are one of the MILLIONS of folks around the globe suffering with credit.....or financial issues that are SAPPING your self confidence, and leaving you listless and IS available, and I will get better!

(Check out the short video here)

* SHORT VIDEO: Body Language, Confidence, and Credit:


Jason :-


body language

July 8, 2010

Hi ,

You might be surprised to learn that

one of the biggest problems people have in using their body language effectively is guilt.

Inappropriate guilt is one of the

more powerful feelings which can

negatively influence our body language.

You see, it can make us feel that we don't DESERVE the outcome we desire.

It can make us unconsciously sabotage

our body language so we don't get what

we want!!

, Guilt is a killer for

people trying to master body language.

* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

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Brazilian Fever in South Africa 2010

July 5, 2010

Expresso Brazil in the World Cup brings Brazilian culture to South Africa in international project unheard of MinC


"Football is in our genetic heritage, our culture. Emotionally, it mobilizes.
Have our dancing, our music, our art. "
Zulu Araújo


The Ministry of Culture of Brazil, through the Palmares Cultural Foundation and in partnership with Mauricio Pessoa Productions, has unprecedented participation in the World Cup Soccer 2010, held in South Africa Sponsored b...

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